By Decatur ENT on February 01, 2016
Category: Uncategorized

Take control of your allergies

Did you know that dust mite allergy is the most common allergy of all allergies? And for many, dust mites are primarily a bedroom problem, but with proper methods and products, your bedroom can be virtually allergen-free. Sleeping in an allergen-free environment can dramatically reduce allergy symptoms.

Following our top ten tips will make your bedroom an “Allergy-Safe” Zone:

  1. Keep pets out of the bedroom.
  2. Keep windows closed during pollen season.
  3. Reduce dust catchers like books, stuffed animals, etc.
  4. Keep bedroom door closed if running a room air cleaner.
  5. Avoid heavy cloth drapers.
  6. Use throw rugs instead of carpeting or treat carpet with an anti-dust mite spray or powder.
  7. Use mite-proof pillow, mattress, box spring, and comforter encasings.
  8. Wash bedding every two weeks in hot water and for extra protection, use de-mite laundry additive.
  9. Wood, leather, or vinyl furniture is best.
  10. Remove airbore allergens with a powerful HEPA air cleaner especially if you are allergic to pet dander, pollen, or mold.