Looking for a Hearing Aid Doctor?
Look no further than the experienced team of hearing aid doctors at Physician Hearing Care located in Decatur, AL. Physician Hearing Care is committed to providing the highest quality of care and the most advanced hearing aid technology available to patients of all ages.

Frank Fischer, M.C.A.P., B.C.-H.I.S., A.C.A.
Frank Fischer, MCAP, former Managing Director of the Shea Clinic for Hearing in Memphis, Tennessee, is currently the overseeing hearing aid doctor of Decatur ENT’s Physician Hearing Care. Fischer ensures that each patient receives the correct treatment for his hearing loss. He has over 25 years in the healthcare field treating patients with hearing loss and has vast experience with various technologies and their success rates. He is keenly aware of the problems that those in need of hearing aids encounter and can provide realistic expectations for your hearing aid.
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Medical Team
Why select just one hearing aid doctor when you can access an entire team?
Our accomplished team consists of three physicians who specialize in problems of the ear, nose and throat as well as other specialized staff trained in assessing hearing loss. Drs. Kin Copeland, M.D., George Godwin, M.D., and Ben Light, M.D. provide a complete medical diagnosis of your hearing loss and suggest treatment. If hearing aids are the best option for you, you are referred to the Physician Hearing Care center of Decatur ENT located in Decatur, AL.