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Our Ear Specialists are Here to Help.

Let face it, pain in the ear, infections, loss of hearing and balance can be scary, but working with our ear specialists gives you the comfort of knowing you’re working with an expert team, focused on providing the best care in the Decatur, AL area.

Decatur ENT’s board-certified Otolaryngology physicians and extensively trained clinicians are premier ear specialists experienced in treating the medical and surgical needs of the ear for children and adults.

We will help discover the root of your ear problems and provide viable solutions from the best hearing aids for your lifestyle to treatments and preventative care for other ear issues like vertigo and balance issues, tinnitus (ringing in the ears), recurrent infections/fluid in the ear, cysts and tumors, congenital deformities, ear tubes, perforations of the ear drum, or ear wax issues.

If you feel you are suffering from any of the conditions listed below, we don’t need to tell you how issues with the ear can severely affect your daily life, but we want you to know Decatur ENT’s ear specialists are here to help.

Our comprehensive ear care includes diagnosis and treatment of:

  • Hearing Loss
  • Vertigo & balance disorders
  • Ringing in ears (tinnitus)
  • Fluid/recurrent infections
  • Ear tubes
  • Ear drum perforations
  • Disorders of the hearing bones
  • Congenital deformities (lop ear, pits)
  • Cysts and tumors
  • Skin cancers
  • Ear wax
  • External ear canal problems

Physician Hearing Care    The Balance Center

Head & Neck

Specializing in the head and neck, our staff at Decatur ENT are board-certified Otolaryngology physicians and extensively trained clinicians experienced in treating the medical and surgical needs for children and adults. Our head and neck specialists offer comprehensive diagnosis and treatment of the many conditions associated with the head and neck which could affect your health including lumps, tumors, thyroid masses, salivary glands problems, trouble swallowing and voice box issues. Our ENT doctors provide the highest quality of medical care available in the Decatur, AL area and work with you to diagnose and treat head and neck issues. If you have issues with the head or neck and want to find viable solutions to your conditions, contact us today.

Our comprehensive head and neck care includes diagnosis and treatment of: Tumors of the salivary glands Skin tumors Tumors of the mouth and voice box Treatment of thyroid tumors

Bambi Reynolds, M.S. CCC/SLP is a state and nationally certified and licensed vocal cord dysfunction, chronic cough, vocal cord and voice disorders and swallowing problems expert. She specializes in several diagnostic procedures including Videostroboscopy, (MBS) Modified Barium Swallow studies, and (FEES) Fiberoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of swallowing studies. She is also certified in Myofascial Release and LSVT (Lee Silverman Voice Treatment) for Parkinson’s disease and related disorders.

Nose & Sinus

Decatur ENT’s board-certified Otolaryngology physicians and extensively trained clinicians are the premier Ear, Nose and Throat Doctors located in the Decatur, AL area. With extensive experience in treating the medical and surgical nasal and sinus needs of both children and adults, our ENT specialists are experts at diagnosing and treating conditions such as sinusitis, nasal allergies, abnormal nasal structure, nasal polyps and recurrent nasal infections. Our team of experts will provide the highest quality of medical care available in the diagnosis and treatment of nose and other ENT issues. Balloon Sinus Surgery      The Allergy Center

Nasal allergies Recurrent sinus infections Nasal obstruction Nasal polyps Nosebleeds Cosmetic nasal surgery

There are many sinus conditions which could affect your health including acute or chronic sinusitis, commonly referred to as a sinus infection. A common symptom of infection in the nose is inflamed nasal passages which will cause headaches, pain and pressure around the eyes, nose, and cheeks and other issues that affect daily activities. Sufferers of chronic sinusitis issues can explore Decatur ENT’s Balloon Sinuplasty, a minimally invasive, in-office procedure for designed to offer lasting relief. Our professional and very experienced ear, nose, and throat doctors make the procedure as easy and painless as possible for you .  

At Decatur ENT, we are committed to providing effective solutions to common issues we all suffer. Our team is experienced in evaluating patient reactions to airborne allergens which are diagnosed and treated in our specialized Allergy Center.

In some cases, nose pain or nasal problems occur because of abnormal nasal structure or growths. For patient convenience, Decatur ENT offers timely and cost-efficient in-office CT scanning. These scans aid in diagnosis and if surgery is necessary, enable inoperative computerized tracking to improve safety and thoroughness. Our physicians partner with Surgery Center of Decatur and Madison Surgery Center to offer outpatient surgical options for deviated septum, nasal polyps, and other nasal obstructions for treatment of ongoing nasal conditions.

Hearing loss is unique to each individual and not every patient with hearing loss should be fitted with hearing aids. Hearing loss occurs when sound cannot travel through the ear and into the brain. In most cases, hearing loss is caused from inner ear damage by age, loud noise, toxic drugs or medications. The damage usually cannot be reversed. In few cases, hearing loss is cause by a medical problem such as infection, abnormal bone growth, or tumors inside the ear.

Drs. Kin Copeland, M.D., George Godwin, M.D., and Ben Light, M.D., provide a complete medical diagnosis of your hearing loss problem. Based upon this diagnosis, the physician may suggest that your hearing loss may be better treated with medication or surgery rather than being fitted for hearing aids. However, when hearing aids are the best option for a patient, those patients are given a medical referral to hearing specialist and Audioprosthologist, Frank Fischer.

Medical causes of hearing loss

  • Ear wax
  • Middle ear fluid
  • Hole in the ear drum (membrane perforation)
  • Earbones disrupted or thickened
  • Acoustic neuroma (benign growth)
  • Meniere’s disease
  • Viral/bacterial infections
  • Foreign body obstruction

When is it time for a hearing test?

  • Newborn: threshold ABR and OAE newborn infant screening
  • Children: comprehensive test after failing a school screening or are experiencing speech delay
  • Adults: you or your family suspect hearing loss

Our physicians will provide a comprehensive hearing test to gain a medical diagnosis for hearing loss, and suggest the appropriate treatment with medication, surgery, or hearing aids.

Pediatric ENT

Our goal is to provide the highest quality of pediatric ENT care with patient-centered treatment for patients of all ages. Our caring team of experts treat a full range of ENT issues for infants, children, and teens with the utmost attention to detail, compassion, and concern. Our pediatric hearing specialists will partner with you to create a custom treatment plan for your child’s health and well-being. Our specialized team in Decatur, AL has comprehensive, extensive expertise in the medical and surgical treatment of pediatric ear, nose, and throat issues. Some of the most common occurring ENT health issues are hearing loss and speech delay due to ear infections, chronic ear or tonsil infections, and snoring/sleep apnea/difficulty breathing due to tonsils or adenoids enlargement.

Pediatric surgical treatment

The three procedures described below are common pediatric ENT treatments for children suffering with ENT issues that affect their quality of life.

Commonly called ear tubes, these tiny tubes are placed in the eardrum to drain fluid buildup and balance air pressure that may cause hearing loss or frequent ear infection.

The removal of the tonsils located in the back of the throat, behind and above the tongue. Tonsillectomy may be performed if enlarged tonsils make it difficult to breathe of if tonsils are often infected (tonsillitis).

Pediatric specialist remove adenoids, tissue located behind the nose and upper throat near the ear passage. When enlarged, adenoid tissue can obstruct breathing or cause ear infections.

Preparing for pediatric ENT surgery:

Don’t let your child eat or drink anything after midnight the night before surgery. This includes gum and water. If your child takes prescribed or over the counter medication, ask the doctor about taking them before surgery. Bathe your child and remove any jewelry, hair clips, and earrings. Dress them comfortably. Bring insurance cards, a list of your child’s medications, and medical test results. Feel free to bring a toy or blanket to the surgery center in Decatur, AL.

What to expect

Your child will be given a sleep inducing gas through a mask by a trained anesthesia specialist. With certain Pediatric ENT procedures, an IV for medication may be placed after your child is asleep. You will see your child soon after surgery. Most likely you will be able to take your child home the morning or afternoon of surgery. A nurse will discuss post-op instructions with you and answer any questions. Your child may still feel some nausea or drowsiness after leaving the surgery center. Medication may be prescribed by the pediatric hearing specialist and should be used as directed. Avoid medicines that Ibuprofen, Aspirin, or Naproxen (Aleve).

Post-op care

Tube insertion is the most commonly performed ear operation and is extremely safe and effective. Ear drops may be given for a few days following the procedure. Tubes usually remain in place for 9 - 18 months and hearing improvement is usually immediate after fluid has been removed.

Removing tonsils and adenoids are frequently performed throat operations and are safe and effective for resolving breathing obstruction and ear or throat infections. Our kind and professional pediatric ENT specialists will always take great care of your child while in our care. Have cold drinks, soft foods, and cold desserts to soothe your child’s throat, help them get enough fluid, and help with healing. Discomfort, slight fever, white patches, temporary odor, and slight bleeding in the first week may occur. It is normal to miss school until their follow up appointment 10 days after surgery.

Dos Soft drinks Popsicles Mild, non-acidic juices Applesauce Scrambled eggs Noodle soup and pasta Mashed foods Gelatin Ice cream Pudding Don'ts Citrus or fresh fruit or fruit juices Hot or spicy foods Rough foods like toast, crackers, and chips Use a straw

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